HÖR SUPPORTS x DRIFT KYIV - Max Dewavrin | HÖR - Mar 26 / 2022

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26th Mar 2022
https://driftkyiv.com/DRIFT is a transcultural community platform and event series born in Kyiv in March 2021. On the 24th of February 2022 Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. Our community stays strong and determined to stay free and independent from Putin.In the beginning of Spring one year ago we raised money to organise our first DRIFT event in Kyiv. This country is part of us. We can't just use it as a party zone and turn away from it when the people we love so much are suffering. So we ask you to trust us and our community, to defend, help, rebuild this beautiful country.The DRIFT Support Fund is here to help with concrete urgent actions, as well as future necessities. We are giving full transparency on the actions we take with the money you donate, updating you about the individuals, organisations that we support.This showcase is for raising awareness about the devastating Russian invasion of Ukraine and collecting donations for our Support Fund. This is an attempt to reunite our community through music and not allow the Ukrainian underground scene to be forgotten.